Monday, February 15, 2010

The journey doesn't end, you just keep doing it...

Those are not my words - they were spoken by a wonderful friend of mine but I sure agree with them. This weight loss, healthier me, life-style change, whatever you want to call it journey does not ever just keep doing it.

And that is one of the things I still struggle with. You see, I have this thing about being a sheep. If everyone is making a right turn, I want to make a left turn simply because I like to be independent, do things my way, be different from others, ok I'll say it...I like to be a radical. No, not the "in your face" type of radical; just the "I can think for myself" type of radical.

So, when I get fed up with counting points or maintaining my exercise routine, I say "I don't need this," or "I can do this my way" or simply "screw it" and go off on my own. Those are the times when I start slacking and depending on how long it takes to get through my thick head that I'm slacking...I lose my progress and momentum. Then when I realize I do need to count points and exercise regularly, I'm redoing what I lost and might even make a little more forward progress before I rebel again. Sad to say but this happens way too often.

Why oh why are we our own worst enemies? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do I do this to myself? That is the answer I am still seeking. If anyone has it figured out, please share with me. I know part of it is because we as women, are made to put others first. Not made as in forced, but made as in its part of our DNA. It's who we are and what we do. When we put others first, they get what they need but we don't get what we need simply because by the time we've finished doing whatever someone else needed, there is another someone else who needs something, and on and on it goes.

But I have a plan I put together yesterday and I will not deter from that plan. I will put myself first today before I start the laundry and before I continue work on the latest web site I am building. I will do this by doing my strength training and go buy healthy foods at the grocery store first. After I do those two things (with a shower in between so I won't kill the other people in the grocery store) I will start the laundry and begin work on the website.

Yes, yes I will. Later folks...Some weights are calling my name...

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