A few days ago I said I was going to start posting to this blog again. It's been a few days and I haven't forgotten what I said; I just didn't have it all formed in my head yet. Plus, I wanted to have something to say, not just ramble on like I tend to do at times. So this morning I was inspired...but before I post that blog, let me catch up with me.
I retired from my previous life last March. Yep, after an almost 30 year career with one company, I decided to throw in the towel and see what else I wanted to be when I grew up. I'm still not sure what that is but I have several things going to help me find out. I'll list them here, not in any particular order...
1) Consultant - I'm still doing some work as an Independent Consultant, simply because it keeps me in the business and while I'm doing it, I love it! When I'm not doing it, I remember that it feels a lot like work. However, the $$ isn't bad so at times, I'll keep doing it.
2) Web Design - I started a web design business and I'm truly loving it, except when I get stuck on something which totally frustrates me. I hate to say it but that happens pretty often but not as often as when I first started. I've got two sites under construction now and several more waiting on proposals. Looks like I'm in it for keeps. :-)
3) Weight Watchers - I'm working part-time for Weight Watchers as a receptionist. I really love doing this for several reasons. One, I am a life-time Weight Watchers member and I totally believe in the program. Two, you can't help but get inspired by meeting the members and sharing their weight loss journey with them. If I ever get the urge to stray off my healthy eating path, I think of all these people who are staying on the straight and narrow to ensure their weight loss journey is a success. There are some dedicated people out there and I give a big high-five to each and every one of them!
4) Certified Personal Trainer - Yes, you read that right. I always get a second glance when I tell people I am a personal trainer. You see, I'm not 25 and I don't have an Olympian body. I look like what I am; a 54 YO grandmother. However there are varying types of 54 YO grandmothers and I like to think I am one of the "fitter" ones. I do work out regularly and I have become a runner. I've run in several 5K races and have another one scheduled for the end of February.
With all the above going on, I don't have a lot of time to be retired, however all the things above are things I WANT to be doing, not anything I HAVE to be doing. For that reason and many others, I am totally enjoying my retirement lifestyle.
Later in years, we'll travel more although we take at least one very long vacation every year now. You'll read more about this year's trip in a future blog I'm sure. For now, I'll keep on doing what I'm doing and as long as I can pay the bills, the 9-5 job is out for me.
Now, let me post this (it's been sitting her all day as it is!) and get the thoughts out of my head that inspired me this morning!
So I Got The Popcorn
16 years ago
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