If you've read any of my previous postings, you know that I took a cycle class on July 4. It was not the easiest thing I have ever done but I survived it. Today is September 13 and I took another one. July 4 to September 13….hmmm….that's over two months! How many cycle classes have there been in those two months? How many missed opportunities to get on a first name basis with Mr. Cardio? I could give you all the reasons I haven't attended one since July 4; things like business travel, personal vacation, visiting family, running errands, sleeping late, valuing my life. Yea, I could give you all those reasons and some of them are valid but really, I had to psych myself up to go back. It did take a while.
Regardless of the reasons for missing the last two months, I was there today. I had a better attitude about the whole thing since I'd been there before. I knew that I almost died last time but I have worked on my cardiovascular health since then, so my plan today was to ace this class. I was going to do everything she instructed us to do. Yep, today I was going to kick butt!
We started the class on time with Ms. Janet bouncing up on her bike after doing a zillion pushups as part of her morning exercise routine. I know also that she ran over 5 miles this week and her legs were killing her, but I didn't see any of that this morning. What I did hear was her lamenting that she had gained some weight this week and she planned to get a good start on getting rid of it right here in this class. Oh crap. This is not going to be fun. I mean, jeez, I didn't gain the weight – she did. Why should I have to…? Whatever, by this time she is turning up the resistance in our "warm-up" routine again.
I know that I did much better in this class because we were several minutes into the class before I started looking for the clock. Clock? What clock? There is no clock on the wall! Where is it? I can't let go of these handlebars to check my watch because I'll fall right off in a heap on the floor so I casually started checking all the walls to see which one they hid the clock on. After checking them all including the one behind me (which was a feat in itself when you're pedaling a zillion miles an hour on an exercise bike) and still there was no clock. Hmm…seeing as I know Ms. Janet read my previous blog, I wonder if this clock moving thing was planned. Whatever! I finally got a peek at my watch and saw we were 35 minutes into the class. Yahoo! I can do this! Who cares what time it is? Well evidently Ms. Janet does because that wall clock is laying on the floor right beside her! The nerve!
Back to the class though; I was doing ok. I was doing what she said. I stood up when she said, sat down when she said, did sprints when she said, turned up the resistance when she said. Which reminds me – how much is enough? She says "turn it up some. Turn it up where you can feel it." Ok, I can do that. "Now turn it up some more." Hmmm, I know how much you turn it is different for each person so for me, does that mean turn it multiple times, or only one turn, or a half turn or a quarter turn or an eighth turn or just simply touch the dial? I can answer that for you. It means you turn it more in the start of the class than you do 35 minutes into the class!
This is about the time of the class I started to struggle. All the standing and hill climbing and sprints had my right knee talking to me not to mention my breakfast threatening me again. I hated to do it but I sat down early on one of the marathon "aerodynamic" thingies she kept putting us through. Darn! I really hated to do that. But the knee kept saying "Nope, I've had enough" and flaking out on me. Janet did give me some pointers on that after class. Something about not having the resistance turned up enough. Hmm…I guess my "turn it up some" wasn't enough after all.
I had another major problem this morning as well. Have you ridden a bike much? I think the bike seat was invented by someone with a very sick sense of humor. I had borrowed a gel seat but after about 5 minutes you can't really tell that thing is on there. Ouch! I kept adjusting but after a while, there wasn't a spot to move to that wasn't screaming at me. During one part, she had us alternate sitting up straight (ouch) and leaning forward (double ouch). I'm doing all this to keep my rear end from being huge but at this point I'm thinking more padding back there would help!
She's asking us if we're having fun now. Some people in the class are yelling "Woohoo" and "Yes" and just yelling for the fun of it. Some people in the class are just moaning. Some are begging and some are very quiet. I was one of the quiet ones. I mean, it's taking all the strength I have to stay on this bike. Who the heck has enough energy to start yelling and carrying on? I mean come on! However the ones yelling do seem to be enjoying themselves.
After one very intensive part, she asks us if we got that sick feeling. Oh yea! Me too she says. Huh? I thought being this close to puking in an exercise class was only experienced by newbies like me. Evidently it's a good thing to make someone (almost) lose their breakfast in these classes. I am exaggerating of course but I did learn that you can push yourself to that point and it not be a bad thing. Hmm…I'll have to think on that one.
By this time we are telling her she's lost that weight she gained but she's not convinced. We're heading into the final few minutes of the class. I see that most people are still keeping up, some are moderating her instructions some (that was me) and some have stopped altogether. I did finish the class and I was not dead afterwards. My legs were wobbly and have since started talking to me every time I move but I made it. I learned some things in class today: (1) more resistance helps support your body when standing and pedaling thus taking some of the work off your legs (and my right knee) so next time I will "turn it up some more" for sure! (2) One of the ladies in the class says yelling gives her extra energy. It releases endorphins or something like that. Ok, I will try that too. (3) I learned that I can really do this. I can take this cycle class and not die. I gave myself a "D" for at least completing the July 4 class. Today I get a C or a B+ at best. But that's a lot of improvement! And there was over two months between them. Imagine what I can do if I go on a regular basis!
Janet is teaching again next Saturday. Do I dare? Heck yea, why not? I want an A in cycle class!
1 comment:
Ms. Janet thinks you are too funny and a very good writer. She also thinks that, knowing you, you will get an A in your next cycle class. Thanks for the good time I had reading this blog!
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